Thursday, January 27, 2011

1/2 Year = 6 Months = 184 Days

Say Hi to the night before Friday. Well, finally the 6th month has come. 1/2 year sounds like very short. For 6 months, it sounds moderately short while 184 days seem like sound quite long. Hmmm, 27th. I think 27th has become such a sensitive date for me regardless it falls on which months.....

Look at the number, 27. For me, 2 is a very nice number, I just love it but 7 doesn't seem to be my favorite number. In fact, I think I have started to hate number 7.....

27th January. A date that I have waited for so long. I thought that 184 days should be enough but yet it's not. The day comes and I just realized that 184 days not even enough to make a Cancer guy's awake.....

Living in the past is not a good sign especially when everyone surrounding you are moving forward. As a human who stay in this unfair world, we shall step by step moving forward. It's a cycle. Perhaps, there are many beautiful dreams waiting for you to discover in every step you move up. However, maybe I can't really put myself into this statement. Perhaps for me, the dreams in the past were much more beautiful and perfect.....

I don't know how long can I sustain my Past Tense Dreamer characteristic. Since 184 days doesn't enough, then what about 365 days??? Or 730 days??? But if 2012 really comes, then I have only 693 days. But what if 693 days also not enough??? Am I going to take the Past Tense Dream and continue to sustain it in another world of dream??? Hmmm, tonight suddenly got a lot of thoughts and questions. Hahaha.....

Whatever it is, 27.01.2011, a walk of sensitive for every 27th. Dream is still continue even though it's a Past Tense Dream.....

Great Dreamer